Hi, my name is Brian Somers. I’ve been a fine artist working deeply with clay for over 40 years. During this time I’ve developed the products and programs that makes up The Bowl Show™. With the help of my close friends, it’s ready today for you to experience. I hope you choose to join me in sharing the joy of making objects of clay!

brian somers

We hope you enjoy what we have to offer here! We’ve worked hard to create an entire art-event system and program for potters, clay artists, and clay-enthusiasts to share their joy of glazing and the excitement of firing clay works with the public. We call it:

The Bowl Show™ (TBS)

The Beauty of Participating In a TBS Event!

The Bowl Show grew out of the development and manufacture of effective, mobile studio clay equipment. It fully capitalizes on the mobility of BMobile’s kilns and related equipment (see below).

Reduction Quenching Station
BMobile’s StartKiln24

For Those Participating in The Bowl Show Event…

It provides participants a fabulous experience of glazing decorative art and immediately firing it on location as they watch.

From artisan-created bowl to happy participant…

… where Magic Transforms Reality!

The TBS Firing Station

For more information on where to attend a TBS event in your area go to:

TBS Events

For Potential TBS Host or Presenters…

One of the vexing concerns of potters and clay artists the world over is how to pay for the vastly expensive equipment they must have to participate in their chosen profession. To meet this financial conundrum head-on The Bowl Show was created!

For more information on what The Bowl Show could mean for you
as a host or presenter go to:

The Bowl Show

For more information on this and other BMobile products go to:

The BMobile Website